Steve William Laible, has not only resumed his publishing business, he is increasing the number of authors TKG will accept, on an annual, case-by-case, basis.
His Self-Funded, Dark Horse Campaign for Congress, Completed.
Your support and contributions enable us to meet our goals, by funding our national vision, with truer, Middle-Class, MAJORITY, representation, for America the Beautiful.
Résumé to Serve KodelParty.us
Oregon 2nd District
Oregon Native Son
June 27, 1953
Retired Mustang
Class of 1971
(Go Pirates!)
We are an exclusive publishing house with a global reach & personal touch.
As an elegant, independent (indie) publisher, we only sign a few 'blue ribbon' authors a year covering most genres.
Going forward, we are now increasing this number, somewhat. We are accepting new author clients,
on a case-by-case basis. Why?
■ Read the Universal Desire page.
We've been in business for 20+ years. We currently have 22 authors under contract with nearly 200 titles under the Kodel umbrella (hence the logo) in print, e-books & audiobooks.
Most clients have multiple books with us.
We endeavor to bridge the gap between self-publishing and mainstream publishing, by offering highly rewarding & affordable services.
The goal, of course, is to get your book (now a product) out there. If no one knows your book exists, however will they buy it?
More importantly, how will the collective "WE" earn/share in the fruits of our labor!?
As much as you hope to achieve success (royalties) TKG is a for profit business. Our interests are aligned. Marketing is the most important component in this industry.
TKG puts distance between your competing authors by putting eyes on your book, globally. You MUST BE as committed as we are!
If you don't understand these basic concepts, please move along. We're not the right fit.
We work hard to find your global readership. That's where the true expense is. We maximize your marketing budget with our expertise & micro-targeting.
Look, it's a numbers' game. Just know, we can work with any ad budget, but it MUST BE CONSISTENT: WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY.
We are fighting for consumer dollars. Pricing your book is crucial. Positive Ratings/Reviews are dynamically essential. We achieve authentic ratings/reviews for your work. But know this, your work must stand on its own merit!
It's a brave thing you do. It sets you apart. It's not easy subjecting your passion work for public judgment, criticism, and alike. But the rewards of 5-Star Ratings & Reviews have no peer.
There are no guarantees of success. Please keep your expectations, realistic. We haven't any idea if your tipping point will ever materialize. But it's never inappropriate to invest in yourself! The risk/reward is a personal choice.
Over time, you may have to reevaluate your initial expectations. But do give it time. Your Return on Investment (ROI) is a fluid one.
We are a for profit business.
Our Business Model is NOT meant to fund your dreams! That's Entirely YOUR Responsibility! We do however, make it possible for you to dream, by publishing your work.
We are also not going to accept work meant only for yourself or family...
That's not what we mean when we suggest preserving your legacy. You can go to Staples for that. Just make 20 copies and "gift" your work during the hoildays. This would be a truly meaningful & appreciated gesture.
Make Sense?
We will only share in your royalties once we reach equilibrium. This means if you spend $1500 in marketing, which allows us to help find your global readership, once sales generate royalties of $1500, are achieved, only then will we share. Our ad/royalty rate is 20% leaving you 80%! Main Street publishing houses only give you scraps, usually 7% of gross receipts.
● We charge $125 Annual Account Administrative Management fee. (Add $5 per unique published title.)
■ Scholastic gave a destitute J.K. Rowling a slick offer; a check for $1500 for the rights to the Harry Potter franchise!! She's now one the richest woman in the UK, worth billions, and ranked 61st on Forbes 100 most powerful listl!!
Lending itself to the
"Proof of Concept"
doctrine, the pen is indeed,
mightier than the sword.
(Read her story! It's wholly inspiring. There's even a movie you can stream, starring Poppy Montgomery.)
Will you become a force of nature?
● TKG also represents your licensing & theatrical interests. You, of course, retain all rights, until you decide. We will seek licensing agrements and movie rights on your behalf, should you work merit such effort. The [Big Picture] is always in play.
● Positive reviews and a global audience gives us leverage. So much so, agents will seek us out! You'll even get your own contract riders, like having ONLY green M 'n M's in your dressing room.
We do share in your success, with that same nominal, pesky agency rate of 20%. Effort and product, Win-Win.
As an example of a TKG ad spend: Say we only market to the Top 10 countries on the planet ~ x $5 a day, per country, x 30 days = $1500 for the month.
If you want to play in the Big Leagues, then step in the batter's box, already!
We market to millions of consumers:
TOP Amazon Platforms
We Market to:
USA 🇺🇸
Canada 🇨🇦
United Kingdom 🇬🇧
(Wales-England-Northen Ireland)
Australia 🇦🇺
France 🇫🇷
Germany 🇩🇪
Italy 🇮🇹
Spain 🇪🇸
Portugal 🇵🇹
Brazil 🇧🇷
Japan 🇯🇵
Mexico 🇲🇽
India, etc.
Baby Steps!
USA 🇺🇸 $356B+ (global sales leader)
Canada 🇨🇦 Amazon top e-commerce site
United Kingdom 🇬🇧 30B+ in sales
(Wales-England-Northen Ireland)
The Netherlands 🇳🇱 Most popular w/Dutch
Australia 🇦🇺 63M+ monthly visitors
France 🇫🇷 180M+ total visitors 30M unique monthly visitors
Germany 🇩🇪 34B+ Sales/500M+ mo. visitors
Italy 🇮🇹 Most popular e-Commerce site 72% of population $35B+ in quarterly sales
Spain 🇪🇸 71% of population are Prime Members. Amazon accounts for half of all Spain's web traffic!
Portugal 🇵🇹 263M in Sales. 3% of GDP!
Brazil 🇧🇷 Amazon Brazil is the fastest-growing Amazon market globally, ahead of Australia and Mexico!! 150M+ monthly
Japan 🇯🇵 24B+ in sales world's 3rd largest economy
Mexico 🇲🇽 154N+ mo. visits. 3.5B+ sales
India 🇮🇳 295M+ monthly visitors Most popular e-Commerce site in India, 35%+ growth.
United Arab Emiriates, (UAE) Amazon has the largest e-Commerce market share. 74% said they intend to spend more, buy more.
Amazon operates its international global platform in 131+ countries. Including the America's, (North, South, Central, Latin).
Did you ever imagine your creative stories would be discovered in French Guiana, Peru 🇵🇪 or Bolivia 🇧🇴 ...
Well, TKG can do just that, for YOU!
For the love of Mike,
what are you waiting for!?
■ Amazon Global - International Shipping to ANOTHER 75 countries:
(NOT A COMPLETE LIST) - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Russia, Romania, Sweden, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey...
In time, we endeavor to let your royalties serve as your marketing reinvestment, as we grow your audience.
■ Please open a Zelle account with your bank. This is how we pay out royalties and receive your weekly, monthly ad dollars.
It's a totally FREE service!
(Sending AND Receiving!)
KodelEmpire.com namely, The Kodel Publishing Group, LLC (Oregon) charges $0.00 to publish your work, as both, a printed book AND an eBook, but we only accept quality manuscripts (MS) in final edited, formatted, print-ready, format (Microsoft WORD) and you best come with a committed ongoing advertising budget, or don't bother.
We're simply too busy, making money for other TKG authors.
Have your editing complete. Print ready means PRINT READY. This includes any Acknowledgments, Dedications, Foreword, epilogue, favorite quote, artwork, etc.
Submit your final manuscript to us at yeskodel@aol.com But only after we've signed you, as a client. We will delete unknown and unsolicited emails with attachments or links. And do not ask us to read your book or parts of it, until or unless, we ask for it. Usually we only require a one-page sampling to guage your writing style.
Of course, if you require a front & back jacket (covers), or formatting, we will charge our nominal rate, based on time spent. Time is money. We will NOT edit or vet your work. Our TKG slush pile days are over! As are proofreading and content editors. The publisher serves as the Editor-in-Chief, so don't make him look bad!
Nothing gets published with our TKG logo on it, unless it's perfect, and an excellent read. If this is too high a bar, demanding, strict, or whatever, tough (used as an adverb).
Your work, greatly reflects on us. We strive for excellence, as should you.
Face it, you're not Hemingway. So don't get in your own way. And don't get in ours. We have an entire section on how we manage divas!
● We do publish good work, if the message warrants.
•• Read Addicted to Dimes (Confessions of a Liar and a Cheat) by Catherine Lyon, for example. We did not polish it up, by design. Her story of gambling addiction, sex, embezzlement, fraud, fires, prison, and recovery, was best told in her own unvarnished truths! We did however, make a disclaimer on her back jacket. Readers really appreciated this caliber of brutal honesty.
It doesn't matter how good you "think" your book is, if nobody knows it exists... Making this point again, so you understand, just how necessary advertising is. How critical it is to your eventual success, still, with no guarantees.
Make sense?
You have to commit to our serious efforts! If you don't or won't, why should we!?
In other kinder, safer, gentler, words, don't bother dreaming about becoming a celebrated author, if you are unable, unwilling, or otherwise, incapable of financing your book!
Period. FULL Stop.
The Kodel Group, LLC
Steve William Laible
Stevie Tenderheart Books
To review the genres our 22-SIGNED TKG CLIENTS produced, with 189+ titles in print, e-Books and Audiobooks.
Roughly 2-6 Authors are SIGNED PER YEAR.
TKG books are available globally. With 90K+ 5-Star Ratings/Reviews and 6.1M+ META engagements and counting.
Sales DO NOT just magically appear. We ADVERTISE on your behalf, and on your dime(s)!
(1) NOTE: Audiobooks cost money. We can discuss this on a case-by-case basis, based on the length of your book. Prices are based on per finished hour (pfh). We have to hire talent. (They set their own rates.) We "book" (pun intended) studio time. Marshal the review process. It's a long process, relatively, 2-3 months, based on our scheduled publishing queue. As opposed to 5+ days to publish your book/e-Book on Amazon.
But it does give you a 3rd income stream!
(Remember when Amazon WAS ONLY a bookstore!?)
(2) NOTE: Author Purchased Inventory (API) We supply author copies at $5ea + freight, usually (.50) per book. Weight matters! It can take 2-3 weeks for your books to be printed and shipped. So if you have a signing event, plan accordingly. We can get them printed and shipped overnight, as foolish as that is.
A recent order for 30 books was $459. The client author, wisely reconsider. Depending on the number of pages, freight on a 100 copy (API) order, ought to run around $43.
We also established a fundraising platform to help get your work noticed. Please refer to the Fundraising page.
Now familiarize yourself with our highly informative website and reach out if you have questions.
Thank you for the privilege of your time.
Steve William Laible, MBA
Supercedes all matters previously stated in contradiction within all systems of records.
Capturing your stories on paper.
Your tipping point
can come as early as overnight!
After reviewing the information on our website please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you still may have.
We are excited to meet you & learn of your book(s). Hopefully we can help preserve your legacy. It's what we endeavor to do because we love it.
Bright Smiles,
Happy Hearts,
Steve William Laible, MBA
Captain, USAF (Ret)
Superintendent of Publishing
Headquarters, 15AF
TKG ~ P. O. Box 38 ~ Grants Pass, Oregon 97528