[Launching January 2025]
■ The Admiral's Compass (TAC)
(AI/Crypto) Portfolio
Capital Prosperity
Capital Preservation
We understand the frustrations of navigating endless, overhyped, urgent, ad nauseam, presentations, promising “secret” AI stock picks with life-changing returns. These rabbit holes oftentimes involve bait-and-switch tactics, overwhelming disclaimers, and costly subscription traps.
We offer a better solution.
For the entire 2025 calendar year, we are making our AI-powered portfolio ticker symbols available to the general public---one basket a month.
BUY Basket Includes
(2) AI Stock Tickers
(1) AI ETF Ticker
(2) AI Spec Tickers
(1) Crypto Spec Ticker
When you {want} a friendly nudge.
Buy 0 — 12 Baskets in 2025, for $7 per basket, simple, easy, no strings attached. (If you miss any months in 2025, you may request previous months' baskets.)
Why Shadow the Admiral's Compass?
Legit Time Saver
No Rabbit Holes
No "Click" Here
No Subscriptions
No Solictations
No Up-Sells
No Cross-Sells
No Commitments
No Sales Pitches
No Hype
No Hidden Fees
No Spam
Beyond Affordable
Just actionable insights, delivered directly to your inbox. You reach out; we deliver. That’s it.
The largest paradigm shift in human existence, is happening now, in real-time, right before our eyes.
AI emerging technologies are here! Practical applications are being applied. Disruptions are afoot.
The Admiral's Compass identifies wealth-building opportunities vetted by pinpointed proprietary algorithms, industry paradigm shifts, and human intelligence.
How It Works
Going forward, during the next 12-months, whenever you want to adopt our vetted Admiral's Compass portfolio tickers, send $7 per basket, via ...
[Please leave your Name, Email, Phone (Texting) and Basket Month Requested. Address (Optional). We may offer a Zelle payment method, and/or a Chase Bank Direct Desposit option, at a future date. FYI: Nothing you provide is rented, sold, shared.]
NOTE: Your monthly stipend helps fund 🧚♀️ FairyHearts 🧚♀️ the charitable 🪽 "wing" 🪽of Stevie Tenderheart Books, where bedtime storybooks, and Stevie Tenderheart dolls are sent, globally, to Children's Hospitals, where collectively, millions of brave kids are confined to their hospital beds for testing, treatments, and recovery!
Sadly, cumulative visits to and surgeries at Children's Hospitals number in the millions.
Our mission is to help give comfort, warmth, silliness, love, joy, and gladness. #GigglesAssured
So, regardless of your basket participation, if #Philanthropy is in your nature, we welcome your angel 😇 💖 investment (donation), of any amount.
You "gift" truly does brighten the rooms, faces, and bellies of kids you'll never meet. So thank you!
Bright Smiles
Happy Hearts
Your basket of (6 ticker symbols) within our Admiral's Compass portfolio will be delivered via email, Subject Line Only, or by text—no attachments, links, salutations, or commentary.
You're Welcome!
Monitor Updates
It's rare, but we’ll post timely exit alerts, on this page, should any position require adjustment or jettison.
Our Philosophy
The Admiral's Compass is a privately held, actively managed portfolio, focused on capital prosperity and captial preservation, with steady growth, not high-risk Options or day trading.
Think of it as a well-charted private yacht, navigating the high seas of wealth creation, offering clarity and reliability, in a highly exciting, emerging, yet oftentimes, stormy market.
Stay the course...
An evenly balanced (weighted) portfolio makes the best sense. Work at keeping your positions at <3% each.
Manifest Your Wealth in 2025 by understanding the principles of building wealth through exponential growth:
1. Buy Positions Paying Dividends
2. Reinvest those Dividends
3. Compounding
4. Diversification
5. Blue Chips
6. Dollar-Cost-Averaging
7. Vision. Pace. Patience.
8. Occasional Spec Plays (For Fun)
9. Model the Experts
10. Consistency
Balance Matters! Never forget, "time" is your most valuable asset. We’re here to help you save it, while growing your wealth, exponentially.
Make 2025 the year you sail, fairly confidently, toward financial freedom, finally, once and for all!
Steve William Laible, MBA
Retired Mustang (Captain, USAF)
Founder, The Kodel Group, LLC
The Kodel Group, LLC
DBA Kodel Publishing Group
DBA Kodel Empire
DBA Stevie Tenderheart Books
Award-winning American Children's Author Stevie Tenderheart Books
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." ~Benjamin Franklin
Not a financial advisor.
Not a fiduciary.
Self-Made Millionarie